Friday, 31 December 2010

Deadbeat At Dawn

Director: Jim Van Bebber
Genre: Action / Crime
Year Of Release: 1988
Language: English
Length: 1hr 19min
Type of video: .avi

Bara no sôretsu / Funeral Parade of Roses

Director: Toshio Matsumoto
Genre: Drama
Year Of Release: 1969
Language: Japanese (w/ english subs)
Length: 1hr 44min
Type of video: DVD5
Special Features: Director commentary & Interview, original japanese trailer, poster gallery

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Jacob Aue Sobol

Jacob was born in Denmark, in 1976 and grew up in Brøndby Strand in the suburbs south of Copenhagen. He lived as an exchange student in Strathroy, Canada from 1994-95 and as a hunter and fisherman in Tiniteqilaaq, Greenland from 2000-2002. In Spring 2006 he moved to Tokyo, staying there 18 months before returning to Denmark in August 2008. He now lives and works in Copenhagen.

After studying at the European Film College, Jacob was admitted to Fatamorgana, the Danish School of Documentary and Art Photography in 1998. There he developed a unique, expressive style of black-and-white photography, which he has since refined and further developed.

In the autumn of 1999 he went to live in the settlement Tiniteqilaaq on the East Coast of Greenland. Over the next three years he lived mainly in this township with his Greenlandic girlfriend Sabine and her family, living the life of a fisherman and hunter but also photographing. The resultant book Sabine was published in 2004 and the work was nominated for the 2005 Deutsche Börse Photography Prize.

In the summer of 2005 Jacob traveled with a film crew to Guatemala to make a documentary about a young Mayan girl’s first journey to the ocean. The following year he returned by himself to the mountains of Guatemala where he met the indigenous family Gomez-Brito. He stayed with them for a month to tell the story of their everyday life. The series won the First Prize Award, Daily Life Stories, World Press Photo 2006.

In 2006 he moved to Tokyo and during the next two years he created the images from his resent book I, Tokyo. The book was awarded the Leica European Publishers Award 2008 and published by Actes Sud (France), Apeiron (Greece), Dewi Lewis Publishing (Great Britain), Edition Braus (Germany), Lunwerg Editores (Spain), Peliti Associati (Italy) and Mets & Schilt (The Netherlands)


Pics after the click are a bit NSFW

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Osoi Hito / Late Bloomer

Director: Gô Shibata
Genre: Drama / Thriller
Year Of Release: 2004
Language: Japanese (w/ english subs)
Length: 1hr 23min
Type of video: .avi

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Mikaylah Bowman


Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Ward 13

Director: Peter Cornwell
Genre: Short / comedy / horror / action
Year Of Release: 2003
Length: 13 min
Type of video: .avi

Tuesday, 20 July 2010


Director: Olivier Smolders
Genre: Short / Drama / Horror
Year Of Release: 1996
Language: French (w/ english subs)
Length: 15 min
Type of video: .avi

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Talonbraxas /

Monday, 28 June 2010

Quand on est amoureux c'est merveilleux / A Wonderful Love

Director: Fabrice Du Welz
Genre: Short / Drama / Horror / Comedy
Year Of Release: 1999
Language: French (w/ english subs)
Length: 21min
Type of video: .avi


Director: Kaneto Shindô
Genre: Drama / "Horror"
Year Of Release: 1964
Language: Japanese (w/ english & russian subs)
Length: 1hr 42min
Type of video: DVD9
Special Features: Interview w/ director, trailer, behind the scenes, gallery

Sunday, 23 May 2010


Another artist I have no information about, all I know is that he(?) is from China. Any into is much appreciated!!! (his deviantart link -> thanks anon!!!!)

Friday, 21 May 2010

Kanashimi no Beradona / Belladonna of Sadness

Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Director: Eiichi Yamamoto.
Year of release: 1973
Animators: Gisaboru Sugii, Shinichi Tsuji, Yasuo Maeda.
Writers: Eiichi Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki Fukuda.
Format: DVD5
Language: Japanese (w/ english and russian subs)

Monday, 17 May 2010

Joel-Peter Witkin / L'image indélébile / Vile Bodies

Friday, 14 May 2010

Il portiere di notte / Night Porter

Director: Liliana Cavani
Genre: Drama
Year Of Release: 1974
Language: English (w/ english subs)
Length: 1hr 57min
Type of video: DVD9
Special Features: None

Monday, 3 May 2010

John Wadsworth


Friday, 30 April 2010


Director: John Boorman
Genre: Sci-Fi
Year Of Release: 1974
Language: English (w/ english, german, spanish subs)
Length: 2hr 26min
Type of video: DVD5
Special Features: Commentary (english)

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Sunna No Onna / Woman In The Dunes [Director's Cut]

Director: Hiroshi Teshigahara
Genre: Drama | Thriller
Year Of Release: 1964
Language: Japanese (w/ english subs)
Length: 2hr 26min
Type of video: .avi

Sunday, 4 April 2010


I have no site or anything for this artist, I found these pics ages ago on a Russian site, all I know is that the artist is from Poland, any info on this artist is much appreciated!

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Esao Andrews

Esao Andrews grew up in the Arizona desert, and moved to New York in 1996 to complete his BFA in Illustration at the School of Visual Arts. After graduating in 2000, he spent the next few years working as a flash animator while painting in his free time. Andrews exhibited his oil paintings in coffee shops and group shows before landing his first major two-person show at Fuse Gallery in New York alongside John John Jesse in 2003. He has since collaborated with Tara McPherson for a DC Comics project, and has created album artwork for several bands, as well. Esao Andrews has developed a signature cast of dark and surreal characters, blending erotic and sometimes frightening surrealistic images, in a manner that is often compared with other American artists like Mark Ryden and John Currin.

Andrews participated in the 2002 BP Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery in London and cites Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Alfons Mucha, and Joe Sorren as major influences.

via thinkspace

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Saturno Butto


Cult painter Saturno Butto portrays fetish alongside religious ritual, painstakingly executed in oil by a classically-trained hand. Here forceps and gags are sacred, eating, masturbation and bondage are divine ceremonies and provocative harlots are saints. Butto's use of fetish tools as religious objects and vice versa moves beyond simple shock value; he elevates the themes that classic religious painting deemed taboo, undressing martyrs and placing pleasure on its rightful throne. Gold and vermillion, royalty and blood, ecstasy and violence converge here to build shrines to beauty, seduction and power all the while demolishing altars of dogma.
Zoetica Ebb

pics after the click are nsfw.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Michael Parkes

Michael Parkes is an American-born artist living in Spain who is best known for work in the areas of fantasy art and magic realism. He specializes in painting, stone lithography and sculpture. Parkes' work is widely available in the form of self published mass production poster prints and nine published books.
via wikipedia

homepage / more (163 pics / 69 mb)

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Reazione a catena / A Bay of Blood

Director: Mario Bava
Genre: Horror | Thriller
Language: Italian (w/ english subs)
Year Of Release: 1971
Length: 1hr 25min
Type of video: .mkv

Friday, 19 February 2010

beatriz martin vidal

homepage / deviantart

Sunday, 14 February 2010

aeric meredith-goujon

Aeric Meredith-Goujon was raised in southern Indiana but has been a New Yorker for the past decade and a half. In 1999 he received an MFA from Pratt Institute and his photographic interests include fashion, erotic portraiture, music and dance. Aeric lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two children. F/

homepage / daily pics
some photos after the click are extremely NSFW

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Nobuyoshi Araki

Araki, Nobuyoshi (b. 1940), Japanese photographer and multimedia artist, born and resident in Tokyo. A prolific producer of photo books (over 100), by the close of the 20th century Araki had become Japan's most famous photographer. He began his personal work during off hours from his job at the advertising agency Dentsu. In 1964 he received the Taiyo Prize (founded that year) for the series Satchin and his Brother Mabo. The year 1971 saw the appearance of his privately published Sentimental Journey, an intimate record of his marriage to and honeymoon with his wife Yoko (who died in 1990). He went freelance in 1972, and throughout the 1970s self-published numerous xeroxed photo albums. He is best known for his nudes and explicit sexual images, often involving bondage. Shown by major museums, these works have stimulated debate and sometimes brought clashes with the authorities in Japan and abroad. But his oeuvre also comprises flower studies, landscapes, and portraits. ‘Erotos’, a word invented by Araki combining eros (love) and thanatos (death), defines the major theme in his work. In Japan, he is commonly called ‘Ararchy’ (Araki/anarchy), a term also coined by himself. Declaring that every photograph is intimate, a kind of ‘I-photograph’, he also makes ‘false series’, putting false dates on photo prints which disrupt our definitions of reality and fiction.

— Madeleine Hill Vedel

No introduction needed, I busted my balls uploading all these photos so there are probably double pics here and there, I'll fix that later.
Aslo, if any of you have some pics or entire book scans that are not here please send an e-mail (belowthefog666[at] and I'll put them here.
posts after the click are obviously nsfw.

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