Director: Antti-Jussi Annila
Genre: History / Horror
Language: Finnish / Russian (w/ English, Czech and Swedish subs)
Year Of Release: 2008
Length: 1hr 19min
Type of video: DVDR, DVD-5 (.iso)
As a 25-year war between Russia and Sweden concludes, two brothers who are part of an effort to outline new border accords become undone by their actions, and their mistreatment of a young woman during their journey.
bleak atmosphere, an awesome setting, great acting, a confusing yet creepy ending and a story that leaves you with way too many questions...
In my opinion this is well worth the watch for the atmosphere alone, and also it's not as if you see Finnish horrors that often.

info / links (4,34 gb)
Horror set right after the Russo-Swedish War?? How awesome. And is that the same guy that's in Daywatch and Nightwatch in the second last screenshot?
Thanks man!
Very interesting film, the ending was really confusing. Was the girl who ran with the border agreement supposed to be number 75? That makes sense but when then when Knut blamed the act of leaving the girl on Erik wasn't he just trying to displace his lust? So many things about the ending are confusing. The faceless corpse that kills the girl that's Erik right?
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